Degree plan

1 Course

Subject ECTS Type sem.
12030 Accounting Fundamentals 6.0 FB S1
12028 Introduction to Management 6.0 FB S1
12027 Maths for Business 6.0 FB S1
12025 Principles of Economics 6.0 FB S1
12026 Business Communication 6.0 OB S1
12029 Business Law 6.0 OB S1
13719 Computer Fundamentals 6.0 FB S2
12034 Fundamentals of Marketing 6.0 FB S2
12031 Macroeconomics 6.0 FB S2
13723 Statistics and Data Analysis I 6.0 FB S2
13736 Game Theory and Strategic Thinking 6.0 OB S2
13725 Keys to Contemporary History 6.0 OB S2

2 Course

Subject ECTS Type
12040 Corporate finance 6.0 FB
13728 Statistics and Data Analysis II 6.0 FB
13729 Algorithms and data structure 6.0 OB
12036 Anthropology 6.0 OB
13759 Cultural Environment in a Global Business 6.0 OB
13727 Data visualization and presentation 3.0 OB
13732 Database Management 6.0 OB
12039 Financial Accounting 6.0 OB
12041 Financial Maths 6.0 OB
12044 Industrial Organization 6.0 OB
12037 Labour Law 6.0 OB
12035 Macroeconomics in a Global Environment 6.0 OB
12042 Market Research 6.0 OB
13735 Statistics and Data Analysis III 6.0 OB
12043 World and Spanish economy 6.0 OB

3 Course

Subject ECTS Type
12050 Audit 6.0 OB
13744 Data Analysis in Digital Marketing 6.0 OB
13624 Digital Business and Social Networks 6.0 OB
13739 Digital and Social Sustainability in a Global Business 6.0 OB
12053 Ethics 6.0 OB
13737 Fundamentals of data mining and Big Data 1 6.0 OB
13742 Fundamentals of data mining and Big Data 2 6.0 OB
12045 Human Resources (HR) Management 6.0 OB
12051 International Corporate Finance 6.0 OB
12054 Managerial tax systems 6.0 OB
12048 Production and operations management 6.0 OB
12049 Social doctrine of the Church 6.0 OB
12047 Standards for Acounting Consolidation 6.0 OB
12052 Strategic Marketing 6.0 OB

4 Course

Subject ECTS Type
13748 Artificial Intelligence 3.0 OB
13745 Behavioral Economics 6.0 OB
12058 Controlling 6.0 OB
13756 Cybersecurity 3.0 OB
13755 Data Processing Law 3.0 OB
13627 Entrepreneurship and Business Games 6.0 OB
13634 Financial Markets and Instruments 6.0 OB
13628 Information Systems for Management 6.0 OB
13749 Language Processing 3.0 OB
13757 Lean Management and Agile 3.0 OB
13644 Practical Tools for Foreign Trade 6.0 OB
13746 Software design methodologies 6.0 OB
12060 Strategic management 6.0 OB
12055 Supply Chain Management 6.0 OB
12063 Internship in Business Administration 9.0 PE
12064 Final Degree Thesis 9.0 TFG

5 Course

Subject ECTS Type
13752 Internship 6.0 PE
13758 Final Degree Thesis 9.0 TFG
  • FB Basic training
  • OB Obligatory
  • OP Elective
  • PE External practice
  • TFG Final degree project